Global Fitness Services


Improve morale and reduce absenteeism with a corporate wellness program from award winning fitness expert Victor B. Cohen




Engaged Work Teams

Experience less work-related stress
Have 41% lower absenteeism rates
Reduce employee turnover by 59%
Generate 21% higher profits
Have higher morale

Wellness Programs

Attract qualified job candidates
Reduce workplace burnout
Encourage camaraderie
Lower health care costs
Improve performance

Victor B. Cohen

Former pro football player
NFL Alumni member since 2006
Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
KDWN FM and Power 88.1 radio host

The Problem

Stress Impacts Performance and Causes Turnover

Modern workplaces are stressful places, which is why burnout is so common. Most employees get burned out sooner or later, and almost a third report very high levels of workplace stress. This is a problem because a Deloitte survey reveals that only 21% of companies have a well-being strategy that is working.

Workplace stress also makes it more difficult to retain valued employees. More than half of millennials say they have considered quitting their jobs because of stress, and an even greater number believe that stress impacts their performance. When stress is not dealt with, it can lead to more serious problems. About a quarter of American workers have been diagnosed with depression according to the American Psychiatric Association.

The Solution

More Productive Teams and Lower Costs

A corporate wellness program that nurtures enthusiasm and supports personal growth can combat workplace stress and improve profitability. Highly engaged workplace teams are far more productive, show up on time and rarely quit, and they also take far fewer sick days. If you want to lower your health care and training costs, a wellness program could be just what you are looking for.

A wellness program could also help you to attract qualified job candidates. When Virgin Pulse surveyed millennials about job benefits, 87% of the respondents said they would be reluctant to join an organization that did not have a wellness program. When the respondents worked at companies that have wellness programs, 89% of them said that they would recommend their employer to others.

The Expert

Put a Former Pro Athlete in Your Corner

Most corporate wellness programs fail because of a lack of participation. That is not a problem with Victor because he makes getting into shape fun and takes an interest in all the people he trains. Victor uses the Together Everybody Achieves More training approach to get the most out of teams, and he uses encouragement and positive reinforcement to get the most out of every session.

As a former professional athlete, Victor knows that success on the field and in life is built on belief and confidence. He also understands that turning a workplace team into winners takes work, patience and commitment. Call Victor today to learn more about the benefits of corporate wellness, and then get ready to reap the benefits of more engaged, enthusiastic and productive workplace teams.


About Victor B. Cohen

Football Player

An NFL Alumni member since 2006, Victor uses the lessons he learned during his playing career to help people from all walks of life reach their potential.

Personal Trainer

Victor’s training philosophy goes beyond exercise and focuses just as much on the mental aspects of teamwork and the fundamentals of sound nutrition.


The Victor B. Cohen Foundation is committed to reducing obesity and diabetes among at-risk and disadvantaged youth communities.


In addition to helping people reach their goals and working to better the lives of children, Victor is an entrepreneur with several successful ventures under his belt.

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